Alberta’s standard bridge girders are designated SL, SLW, and SLC. They are suited for small highway bridges down to gravel local roads.
Standard girders are built in the precast plant and transported out to the bridge site. The precast plant utilizes standard forms which they fill with reinforcing steel followed by concrete pouring. They usually produce 4-5 girders per day.
The type of girder are called voided slab. This is because they have three circular voids within a greater concrete slab.
The prestressing strands are steel wires that are tensioned up to 4,600 psi prior to pouring the concrete. After the concrete has hardened, the strands are cut. Since they are located in the bottom portion of the girder, this gives the girder a noticeable upward bow (camber) which allows for greater load resistance. This is because the girder is placed into compression, and the load must take the concrete out of compression before it will fail in tension.
Plant inspection is performed by competent personnel from the engineering consultant. Each girder is inspected prior to concrete pouring, curing, and release to the site.
Roseke Engineering Ltd.’s unrivaled expertise in the design and construction of standard bridges in Alberta can ensure a smooth and successful standard bridge project.
Our bridge team has performed hundreds of standard bridge projects:
Bernie Roseke, P.Eng., PMP is the founder and president of Roseke Engineering Ltd. He has 20 years experience in the design of rural bridges, culverts, and drainage structures, primarily for Counties, M.D.’s and Alberta Transportation.
Levi Ober, P.L.(Eng.) is our bridge manager and responsible for delivering bridge projects on time and budget. He has 14 years experience in the assessment, design and construction supervision experience on County, M.D. and Alberta Transportation bridges. He has designed every type of standard bridge and bridge sized culvert, and he is a class B bridge inspector.
Riley Johnson, T.T. is our junior bridge technologist. He has assisted with design and performed construction supervision services on numerous bridge projects, and his enthusiasm for bridge work is very high.